
Jamaican/Rastafari word for VITAL, ORGANIC, NATURAL, WHOLESOME… real roots


Beauty-Full Belly-Full

Beach Belly with mala beads by Story & Myth.

Beach Belly with mala beads by Story & Myth. Photo by Sabriya Simon

Beauty-full, Bounty-full Belly-full…

My favourite part about being pregnant was probably watching my belly grow and getting all the “special treatment”.

“Let the baby- mother have the seat!” “Aright baby-mother go ahead of me in line.”

I was quite active during my pregnancy. I practised Ashtanga Yoga 3 times a week up to 7 1/2 months and was still working on events up to eight months. So my hips opened up nicely and I had to adopt a quick preggo-waddle.

Pum’kin belly

During the latter part of my third trimester I developed PUPPs so my stretch marks took on a new design  around my poked out navel (it looked like my navel was ablaze). I accepted this as my badge of motherhood and embraced it, after all I am known as NataBlaze in my close group of friends.

Watching my belly grow I thought how can I make memories and keepsakes of this Bounty-full Belly-full I was blessed with?  I decide on a few things and shared with my husband and my sister-circle.

Here are my Top  Five Favourite things to do to Beautify the Beauty-filled Belly.

1. Do a Belly photo shoot.

You can do this with your partner, your sister circle or even by yourself. Lots of people do pics of their bellies evolving through each trimester by taking the pics in the same outfit, so you can see the growth. I opted to do mine by the sea with my husband and I now have some wonderful memories thanks to my sister-friend & documenter Sabriya.

2. Document your Pregnancy & Birth

I used to look at pictures of my pregnant mother and wonder about what they were going through when they had me; a lot of us probably wonder. So I shared this thought with my husband and we decided we wanted to document the pregnancy  so that our child would have his story captured, as much as possible. In sharing with Sabriya our wish to have photos done we also asked if she would be present at the home birth. We have photos and video of before the baby, during delivery and after.

Once you document your pregnancy you can choose from the many on-line methods to share with friends and family, like Facebook or even setting up a private website. This is something you will have to share with you baby as he/she grows up in the digital age.

3. Belly Cast

You can have your belly til the end of time by making a bellycast!

We did this as a sister circle and it was pretty easy and quick too. On my son’s first birthday we plan to paint it as an activity on that day. If your dollars are super strong you can also get your cast personalized and done into a belly bowl by bronzing it. Apparently the sound is different based on the size you cast it at.

Bellycast done by my sister circle.

Belly cast done at 33 weeks by my sister circle. Photo by Sabriya Simon


4. Paint your belly

This is also a fun activity and can be done for a photo shoot or even at a baby shower. You can also do a Henna design for your belly in the third trimester. It is believed that the images used on the belly protect mama and baby during delivery.

5. Belly beads

Before I got pregnant I wanted to get my waist beads done to honour my sacred womb and temple. However Life happened and I ended up getting the beads during my pregnancy. Many women across many cultures wear waist beads  as protection/ healing, as a rite of passage or even for seduction. In choosing colours & stones for your beads go for ones that honour the goddess within and the life you are carrying. You can choose birth stones for you, your partner and your baby. You can also choose stones that are good for fertility and will provide good energy during delivery.

And for some Brawta (Little extra)

6. Belly-Rub-a-dub

You can use shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil/olive oil infused with your favourite baby safe essential oil and rub your belly.I rubbed my belly daily with shea butter(that is full of vitamin E and good for elasticity of skin)  mixed with some essential oils like lavender & patchouli. So not only will you smell good but you will feel good and relaxed and so will baby inside(you might even feel a kick of joy!). If you get tired of rubbing get your partner to slather on the belly goodness all over your belly in soft circular strokes. This will probably lead to some more loving strokes or as we call it in Jamaica belly-rub-a-dub…

No matter what you choose to do for your beauty-full belly just ensure that you are giving it lots of love, because your baby will pick up on your energy. So sun your belly, water your belly, talk to the life in your belly.

Just do what feels good and enjoy the belly-full.

Love& Light