
Jamaican/Rastafari word for VITAL, ORGANIC, NATURAL, WHOLESOME… real roots

Attitude of Gratitude

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Dr. Gladys

Life Lesson 5,975,253: Have an Attitude of Gratitude
Today was remarkable! It all started out in a usual rush for a jam packed many hour long day in the life of Janessa. Woke up at 6 so I could go to a cleaning job before class, then attend the most amazing lecture given by the mother of all mothers Dr. Gladys McGarey, then go to a babysitting job until who knows when. As I was making coffee something went “wrong” and I saw myself going into the negative spiraling pattern of oh no I’m tired, it’s gonna be a long day, and all that can go wrong will go wrong! Right then is when I stopped and asked my angels, guides, ascended masters, archangels, and beings of white light to help me find gratitude today. The very next moment I was thinking “I’m so thankful for this coffee, my house, health, love of all those who got my back, etc” from there it spread to my drive, to my jobs, class, and most of all the lecture. Dr. Gladys shared soooooo much amazingly astonishing stories and wisdom all of which were rooted in love, life, and gratitude. Dr. Gladys is my new hero she is a 93 yr old magical soul who has been changing medicine worldwide for 67 years. She is still board certified and practicing Holistic and Integrated Medicine among her many other innumerable accomplishments! My world is forever changed and I am forever grateful!